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"I fight for your rights"
Your partner for criminal law.

As a defendant, it's common to feel shocked when you receive a summons, a penal order, an indictment, or a fine notice. The first instinct is often: I need to explain my position or correct something. This leads to the urge to contact the investigative authorities immediately.

This is a mistake!

Without knowing the current status of the investigation, you cannot fully understand the potential consequences of your statement.

If you are being accused of wrongdoing, you need targeted legal assistance!
The initial consultation at my law firm is the first step toward an effective criminal defense.

I listen to you, review the specific facts of your case, and then provide a legal assessment. Once the facts and legal situation are clear, and you have entrusted me with your case, I will develop a tailored strategy to ensure the best possible defense.

I represent you throughout the entire process, from the investigation phase to the main trial, dealing with the public prosecutor, the court, and other authorities. Throughout the proceedings, I will stand by your side as your defense attorney, fighting for your rights.

Many of your questions can be answered under the FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions section.







"Creating opportunities - building bridges "
Your partner
for migration law.


"At first, I was surprised by how little informed the people were when they sought help. They arrived full of hope and good faith, but many of the stories they had heard about Germany did not match reality. It was difficult for me to witness their desperation, to feel their fears, and to hear about their existential needs. I had to correct their misconceptions about our country, so I began informing everyone about their rights and the opportunities available to them for building a new life here. My goal was to create opportunities and build bridges!"

I have been specializing in all areas of migration law—refugee law, residence law, and nationality law—since 1993.
Many individuals seeking protection and guidance come to me, looking for help and clarity on the legal requirements for living and working in Germany.

My areas of expertise include:

  • Nationality Law

  • Asylum Procedure Consultation

  • Residence Law and Prospects

  • Migration and Integration Advice

  • Return Counseling

  • Perspective Consultation

  • Family Reunification Advice

  • Training and Employment Opportunities

My approach begins with an informative consultation, where I provide you with a clear overview of:

  • What are the legal conditions for achieving your goals, such as staying in Germany?

  • What are your chances?

  • What steps do you need to take?

  • Who can assist you?

  • How long will the process take?

  • What will the costs be?

Following this, I will suggest concrete legal steps to help you achieve your goals.

It’s important to understand that your aspiration to be accepted and recognized in Germany comes with significant expectations and responsibilities, including:

  1. Recognition of universal human rights and our democratic principles

  2. Adherence to the German legal system

  3. Learning the German language, both written and spoken

  4. Familiarizing yourself with the new culture and its norms

  5. A willingness to integrate

  6. A genuine interest in and motivation for living in Germany

  7. Acquiring new skills

Navigating our laws and bureaucracy can be challenging.

Clarifying and meeting the individual requirements for a residence permit, protection status, work permit, or family reunification often involves lengthy procedures and significant bureaucratic hurdles.






Good to know!

Legal advice and further representation (out of court and in court) is always subject to a fee!

Please inform yourself:


"Diversity brings opportunity—and challenges.
Together, let's create solutions for harmonious coexistence."


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